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In the cold of the night, when walls separated JOHN and JANE, both resulted to make it warm for as long as possible 

What you read was what they threw at each other

JOHN : Nothing makes a heart better, than knowing it has a half that completes it 

You complete mine 

JANE : You may be out of my sight but not out of my heart. 

You may be out of my reach but not out of my mind. 

I don’t know what I mean to you, but you’ll always be special to me.

Jane cares💋

JOHN : The other day I found gold When I was rushing to you, I lost it 

It was an ounce but when I got to you, I found a 5ft tall of gold laced with diamonds.... 

You are the feet of gold laced with diamonds


JANE : When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another.


JOHN : When you call I'll be there 

When you speak I'll hear 

When you smile I'll feel it 

All of these from afar because I'll always be there for you 


JANE : Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was choice,

but falling in love with you was
completely out of my control.

My heart says that you like me,
My eyes says that you feel something for me,
My mind says that you think of me,
But till now you are quiet..!


JOHN : Your eyes are right because they see better than the ordinary

Your heart is right because it tells you what mine is saying 

Your mind isn't wrong because I've refused to stop thinking of our memories 

My quietness is a silent thought of how you knowing fully well that I miss every bit of us.... 

Let me not be quiet no more so I'll speak.....

Let me water your feet in worship 

Let me hold your hand in conjugal 

And let me stay on your heart and make it my home 

Please let me love you ❤️

JANE : Anyways sweetheart🌹...!

Every girl wants a guy
Who hugs her when they're watching a scary or romantic movie,
Who gives her his jacket even when he himself is feeling cold,
Who will always be the one to make her laugh,
Most importantly he will love her for who she is..!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
 I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every
time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for
you, because I ........🤔🤦‍♀️

JOHN : Yes every guy wants to be there for whom he loves 

Every guy wants to protect what he has like he will always protect his balls lol

JOHN is here to cover you during the rainy days 

To still shelter you under the sun .

He is here to play you tunes that heals your worries at every point 

Will you let me ?

JANE : Hummmmmm
Smile .....!

Simple Bye makes us cry,
Simple joke makes us Laugh,
Simple care makes us fall in Love,
Simple Touch makes us feel better,
But i hope my simple MSG makes u smile

How long will you be special to me?

As long as the stars twinkle in the sky,
As long as angels are there up high,
Till the ocean run dry and till the day goes by💁‍♀️😔

JOHN : Till the days goes by we shall sail through the most beautiful islands 

Paddle the best canoes 

We shall curdle to calm 

Hug to bed and love both while standing and sleeping 

I'm ready to catch you at every fall 

Trust me this is all to behold 

Let me love you till eternity


JANE : I have liked many but loved very few.
Yet no-one has been as sweet as U.
I would stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.
Just for the pleasure of a moment with U. you more than all the stars in the sky.
I love you more as each moment passes us by.
I love you more with every breath I take.
I love you more with each promise we make.

I love u 🤦‍♀️



NOTE : Characters are only fictional 


  1. Waooo..😢now I feel like crying
    I love D's
    It can't be fictional
    It's danm real♥️♥️♥️so captivating
    Weldon good job🤞💎

  2. Wao more wisdom
    Good one keep it's up


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