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After the action, Bode started begging me. I could see he actually regretted, but the deed had already been done. I told him to go, I just didn’t want to see him, and he left. I locked the door behind him and started weeping. I wept till my eyeballs turned red and my head began to ache. I was confused, I didn’t know what to do, I was just weeping. I couldn’t even pray, I never thought I could do such a thing. i thought I was strong enough to stand. Oh my God!…How wrong I was!!.

D next day was Friday, I couldn’t go to school. I had headache, so I called my HOD to inform her I would be absent. She promised to tell the Principal land wished me quick recovery.I couldn’t attend d burial nor choir practice on Saturday, I just locked myself up in my room and was weeping from time to time. On Sunday, I was unusually absent from church. Some choir members came to check on me after service. They met me under my blanket, shivering. Now I had developed emergency fever. One of them quickly called Pastor Williams who rushed down to my place with his wife.They took me to the health centre. I was treated on malaria, given some drugs and injection,and was told to come on Monday and Tuesday to complete d injection. The Williams brought me back home and asked if I wouldn’t mind to go with them to their place, so I wouldn’t be the only one at home, I declined.

So, they left after praying for me.I slept off and woke up late in the night.Now I felt like eating something. I looked at my phone, it was 11.17 pm.I got up, ate bread with fruit juice and went back to bed.I couldn’t sleep. I was turning from right to left, left to right on the bed. Again, I remembered “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed, lest he fall” I started weeping again. I thought I was standing, now I have fallen. I so much trusted myself, I was so careless.I opened my mouth n began to pray “Lord, Forgive me….have mercy on me….”I didn’t even know when I slept off. When I woke up, I knew I had a dream in which I saw Pastor Mrs Williams talking to me, but I couldn’t remember a single word out of everything she said. As I was trying to recollect what she was telling me in the dream, I heard a gentle voice in my spirit “Go and open up to her”….”Ahhhh!.How on earth would I be able to dothat? I cant Lord!.I cant!!.”.I didn’t hear the voice again, at least at that moment. The next thing I heard was a knock on my door.”Who is that?”..I spoke softly.I didn’t hear any response from the other end.I moved to the door, unlocked it, and opened.Guess who was standing there.


It was Pastor Mrs William. She was on her way to school that Monday morning as she taught in a primary school at Oyan, but she quickly stopped by at my place to check on me.

She came with a basket containing pepper soup, jollof rice, vegetable soup. She said she didn’t know the one I would love to eat, but I should try and take the pepper soup as it would deal with that malaria fever. She told me to warm them that as I could see she brought them out of the freezer that morning, and couldn’t wait to warm them before leaving the house to prevent her from getting late to school. I collected the basket from her, appreciated her and sat on my plastic chair.

“Can I drop you at the health centre for your injection?, since its
on the same route to my school”.She asked. “I’m not ready yet ma, I will take a bike. Thank you ma”. “It’s a pleasure my dear.

So, how are you feeling now?.”
“I’m better today ma”.I answered.
“Oh!.Thank God. My mind was with you throughout the night. I really couldn’t sleep soundly. I started blaming myself for allowing you to stay here all alone, I should have forced you to come with us yesterday. But, hope you slept well, and…
” I switched off!..I was hearing in my spirit “Open up to her!.Open up to her!!”. Then I heard another voice contrary to that one saying “Dont try it!.You’ll disappoint her. You can see
how she loves and cares for u, she’ll withdraw d gesture..What if….”
Suddenly, I felt Pastor Mrs’ hand on my shoulder.

She tapped me and said “Are u okay?.I’ve called you twice, but you didn’t respond.
What is bothering you? What are you thinking of?.Feel free to share it with me, I’m a mother..”
Before she could finish her sentence, I cut in “Nothing ma”.”Hunhun!.Don’t tell me there’s nothing when Obviously there’s something. That’s a lie, and I don’t expect you to tell one, if you don’t want to share it, just say you don’t want to share it, instead of saying there’s nothing when there’s something.” I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know when I said “Okay ma, I
will tell you later”.
“That’s better my dear. See you later then. Hurry up so you can go for your injection on time. Make sure you eat before you go.” She
said. “Okay ma. Thanks mum.”
She left. I got to the health centre that morning and saw Bisi. She was surprised to see me, and also to hear that I didn’t attend the burial of Bode’s dad. When she asked why I didn’t go, I told her I was sick, but didn’t tell her beyond that.

As I was getting back home, I met Bode coming out of the Corp members’ quarters. I was a bit shy to look at his face, remembering what happened between us. I was no longer free with him. I wish I didn’t see him. He gave me souvenirs of his dad’s burial, and said his mum sent her greetings, and that she promised to come and visit
me as soon as she could go out. I took those things from him and thanked him. Then he said “Sis Sewa, I’m indeed very sorry for what happened last week. It’s the devil. Please, forgive me..”
He wanted to hold my hand, but I didn’t allow him.
I said “It’s fine! It’s fine!! Just go!!!”

But what did he really have in mind about that incidence that transpired between us?


I didnt attend choir practise on saturday nor church service on Sunday because i didn’t want to see Mrs  Williams. I’ve made up my mind not to tell her anything and i knew she would ask me if she set her eyes on me.
I didn’t know i was only adding more petrol to a burning fire. Some choir members came again after service to check on me, thinking i haven’t recovered fully or not strong enough to attend service.Of course when i saw them,i pretended to be weak still.

Bode came later in d evening when everybody had left.
He said “I knew you didn’t come to church today because of me, not
because of your health. U refuse to forgive me despite my pleas. I
told u its d work of d devil, please let’s be doing as we use to
do before..pls now”..He began to weep.

I was moved with passion when i saw him weeping.I went to him, gave him a gentle pat on d back, and said “Dt’s okay. Stop crying.It wasnt only your fault, but mine too.We both need to ask God for forgiveness and make sure it doesn’t happen ever again….”

Before i could finish my sentence, he got up, held me and began to kiss me. Every attempt to rescue myself out of his hand failed.At a time,i surrendered, and again….It happened!
Before i could put myself together,Bode dressed up and ran out of my room.
I started weeping.
“Lord,i’ve done it again. I disobeyed U. I didn’t yield to d voice of d Holyspirit. What will i do now?”.
For days, i was praying and weeping, asking God for forgiveness and what to do, i didn’t hear anything as i heard it earlier.It was so obvious dt something was wrong with me, as i was a shadow of myself. Even my dressing changed,a 60yr old woman would dress better.

Everyone was asking,”what’s wrong with you?. Hope there’s
no problem.Are u still sick?”.
My usual answer was “No problem,all is well”..but within me,i knew nothing was well.
I wasn’t attending mid-week services also. I would prefer to be in my room, and be thinking. D thought dt bothered me most was “Will God ever forgive me?.
If d first one was a mistake, what about ds one?”.
Mrs Williams called me one wednesday evening after having prayer meeting in church.”Sis Sewa,i noticed u were not in church today for d prayer meeting, how are u?.

Are you not
okay yet?”.
“I’m fine ma”.
“Then,why have u been keeping urself away from church?”.
“Nothing ma.”
“U’ve started again.Oh!.Dt reminds me, u promised to tell me something d other day ,will u come and see me tomorrow after school?. I will be waiting for u at d church office.”
“What time ma?”
“Let’s make it 4pm”.
“Ok ma”.
She hung up.

My heart began to beat very fast. I could hear d sound.
What will i say?. Maybe i should just cook up a story..but,what if she knew it’s all lies. Oh my God!..what
mess have i gotten myself into?. How will i get out of ds now?.
As i was pondering over ds,my phone rang.
It was my dad. I picked it.
What did he say?.
We shall see in d next part.



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