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HEAR MY STORY 11,12,13


Daddy said he would be celebrating his 60th birthday on 30th of May, and would want me to come and grace d occasion with him and other members of d family.
I promised to come, but after d conversation,i started  praying dt i would have gotten over d mood i was before going to Lagos,bcs i didn’t want anybody in my family to have an idea of what i was going through.

The next day i had an appointment with my pastor’s wife. I decided not to go as i didn’t know how to tell her what was wrong with me.
Fortunately for me, she called around 2.30pm to inform me dt we would have to postpone d meeting as she needed to attend to a matter urgently. I was very happy to hear dt.
To avoid people coming to my house again, i decided to attend Sunday service d following week, only to discover dt Bode was absent. I didnt even ask of him as i preferred not to see him, but i overheard someone telling d pastor he had gone back to school.

Immediately after d service, Mrs Williams sent an usher to tell me she was waiting for me at d church office.
When i got there,she asked me what was bothering me.
I was too scared to tell her d truth, so i said “It’s family matter ma, my dad and mum are not in good terms,and it’s seriously affecting me….”
She said “Are u sure?”
“I said “Yes ma”.
“Anyway,if dt is d case, dont let dt affect u. There’s no marriage without its own crises. God will be glorified in dt union, it doesn’t have to bother u, afterall,u know how to pray, just pray for them,and everything will be well.”
Then she paused,and looked at me “Sis Sewa, are u sure ds is what is bothering u?.I’m having a feeling u are not
telling me d truth.”
“Dt is it ma.”
“Okay.Let’s pray.”
She prayed with me, and i left.

As i was going home,d Holyspirit came with his rod again. “Hunnnn!.U have just told another lie!!. Dt’s another blunder..Go back and confess ur sins.”
I refused to go back.
How would i face her to tell her i told a lie, after asking me twice if i was sure i was telling d truth, and i said yes.?.

About a week before my dad’s birthday,i fell sick . I was
throwing up, nothing stayed in my tummy, in fact i couldn’t
But i just treated malaria, why ds again?. I said to myself.
I became very weak.
I decided not to call anybody’s attention..i was fighting it
Then, very early one saturday morning, Pastor Mrs came to
my house.I was so surprised to see her.
“What’s wrong with u Sis Sewa?”.
“Just a bit weak ma”.
“Just a bit weak?, when did it start”.
“About a week ago ma”
She looked at me closely,and said “No,it cant be.Let me see
ur eye and ur palm”
She checked both.
“U are pregnant!”.
“No ma,i’m not, its malaria”.
She sat on my bed,and was looking at me.
“I said u are pregnant!. I knew it last sunday when i saw u,but i didn’t want to be too fast. Okay,if u are not sure,let’s go to d clinic.”
“No ma,i’m not pregnant, i’m sure i’m not”.
“Now,tell me,what did u do?. Did u sleep with any man?”
I didnt answer.
“Oh my God!.U? Of all people!. I’ve been using u to counsel to other sisters in church, i saw u as a role model to them….”
She bursted into tears.
I started weeping too.


I was a bit relieved,at least,after hearing what Mrs Williams said.

“Now, tell me….how did it happen?.” She asked.
I told her everything i could remember without hiding anything intentionally.
Whenever i said something she didn’t understand,she would throw a question to me,and i would answer.
After our discussion, she said “Do u know what?”
I said “No ma”.
She said “I will take you to our house now,  go and pick some of your clothes and things u’ll need for the few days which you will be with me.
I agreed! In less than one hour, i found myself sitting in the small, beautiful living room of D Williams.
I was taken to d visitor’s room,where i put my bag.
What am i going to do next now?….I had no idea.
Thank God for d way everything happened, maybe i would have taught of abortion, but now, dt’s out of d way, except i wanted to offend God more.
We didnt meet Pastor Williams at home when we got home, he was away to attend a meeting, so i was told.

He came back around 8pm. He was surprised to see me in their house. I only greeted him, he answered me, and went straight into
their room. His wife followed him immediately, i guess she was going to tell him why he saw me in their house.
About one hour later, they both came out of d room. You can hi ishmeal on+233544142683 to be added to the story platform to read more of such story. Pastor Williams was unusually silent, but i could read from his face he didn’t like what he heard..of course, i didn’t expect him to like it.

Then,Pastor Mrs came to my room after dinner and asked
“Sis Sewa, what do u want to do now?”.
“I dont even know ma.”
“Have u informed Bode?”
“No ma. I didnt even know i was pregnant.”
“I learnt he has gone back to school….Send a message to
him to inform him, let’s hear what he will say. Dont let him
know i’m aware about it o”.
“Okay ma.I won’t.”
What was Bode’s response?.


I sent a message to Bode immediately Mrs Williams left my
room, informing him about d pregnancy. I expected his reply throughout d night,but he didn’t.

D next day was Sunday. I didn’t feel like going to church. I was too ashamed to see anybody’s face, though no one knew about it yet, besides The Williams. I imagined what would happen when d news went viral among church members dt i was carrying Bode’s baby….having denied dt i was in a relationship with him earlier..

Oh my God! How did i find myself in ds mess?.
Then i thought of my dad.
Eeeeh!.My dad!!.
He trusted me so much.
I was his pride,his angel, d apple of his eyes.
How would he take it?.
I have disappointed him.
And my two elder sisters.
None of them had a child before marriage, even Sis Tiwa was still trusting God for d fruit of d womb then, its only Sis Temi dt had a baby girl, expecting d second one.
Oh!..I’ve disappointed many people.
And Bode’s mum?.Wouldn’t she think i lured her son to sleep with me?.Wont she see me as a cheap girl?.
As i thought of these things,tears was flowing freely from my eyes.
Mrs Williams came to tell me to get dressed for service.
I told her i wasn’t feeling like going to church.
She said “okay, its fine. Just make sure u seek d face of God for forgiveness, mercy and d way out.”
I said thank u ma.
They left.
I switched off my phone.
Then i started thinking again and again,weeping and asking God for forgiveness. I also prayed for His mercy and way out, as Mrs Williams instructed me me.
After d prayer, i put on my phone, and almost immediately, Bode’s message came in.

I read d message which went like ds..”I was devastated by your message. I think d only solution is abortion. I thought about it tru out d night n dt i think is d only way out. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience ds might have caused u.”
I threw d phone on d bed.
I said to myself “how i wish it was dt easy.”
As a matter of fact, maybe i would have agreed with him, if ds woman was not involved, but now, i just have to bear d consequences, d shame, reproach, rejection and anything
dt comes from it.

I threw myself on d bed, covered my mouth with a pillow n
screamed into it. JESUS!.JESUS!!..Pls have mercy on me….ds is too much for me.
While doing ds, i heard d Pastor’s car moving into d compound. I quickly got up, wiped my face n pretended to be fine.

Soon Pastor Mrs was in d room.
“How was ur day my dear”.
“I was praying ma”.
“And weeping at d same time”. She said, smiling.
I didnt answer.
I showed her Bode’s message.
She read it n said “i knew it. I knew dt would be his option.”
Then she sat beside me on d bed, hugged me n said “Listen
my darling, there’s nothing new under heaven. Many people
have gone tru ds route before, and many will still go tru it.
I’m sure if not for divine intervention, u could have considered abortion as Bode suggested. But sometimes we offend God while trying not to offend man. Don’t use sin to cover sin. God is d Ultimate. Once He has forgiven u, it doesnt matter if anybody doesn’t.



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